First Name
Last Name
45 and up
Email Address
Facebook Profile Name
What is your profession or area of interest?
What about this particular course attracts you?
What is the most important thing you are hoping to learn?
Why do you think you would be an awesome Beta Tester for Ignite? Also, describe the qualities you have that would help with the development of this program.
Describe what you feel about your purpose. Also, which of your character traits will help you achieve it and which ones will stand in your way?
What has been the hardest part about staying empowered with what you are trying to accomplish in your life or career?
Do you feel comfortable exploring spiritual topics?
I honor my connection with my spiritual side.
Yes, but I prefer a more religious based experience.
Er...I guess I can do it, but I think I like to keep things down to Earth.
Are you able to stay present and actively engage and participate in a closed Facebook group?
I am AWESOME in Facebook Groups!
I'm kind of shy, but I will do my best!
If I have to, but I really don't like being public in groups.
If you enjoy the course, are you willing to provide a written testimonial with photograph or a video testimonial
I would be happy to provide you with a VIDEO testimonial.
I would be happy to provide you with a WRITTEN testimonial with a PHOTO.
I'm not sure, I'd have to think about it.
How did you find out about this Beta Test?
Facebook Group
Webpage/Facebook Page
Personal Referral
If you had to choose between them, which do you think you would want to learn first?
Overcoming Self Doubt and Limiting Beliefs.
Productivity and Business Management
Manifesting Your Desires
Creativity, Basic Branding and Resourceful Video
YAY! Thank you so much for your interest. We've got your info and we will notify you about your application as soon as we can!
Please go to your email to confirm your application to the course.
Also, to avoid missing your notification email about the status of your application, make sure you add: to your safe email contact list. Keep an eye on the spam folders, promotion folders or update folders of your email account.
It would also be a great idea to join our pop-up FACEBOOK group B3 Pioneers and hit the like button for the Brave Beyond Boundaries Facebook Page so that we can keep you aware of what's going on. Thanks again for taking the time to fill this application! Stay fabulous!